Friday, January 27, 2012

Eigenvalues of a unitary matrix

Let b be a nonzero vector (from R^n).  Then, bb' is  an n x n matrix.

What are its eigenvectors and eigenvalues?

From linear algebra, we know that bb' is a rank one matrix. So it has one non-zero eigenvalue. The other n - 1 eigenvalues are all 0. 

Now that is the non-zero eigenvalue? Is it positive or negative? What is the associated eigenvector?

What about the eigenvectors corresponding to the zero eigenvalue?

Recall that the eigenvector of a matrix M is defined as any vector x such that 

M x = p x 

where p is the eigenvalue corresponding to x.

Since the matrix was formed with b alone, one would guess that the eigenvector and eigenvalue is somehow related to b. Let us try b.


(bb') b = b (b'b) = (b'b) b

We use associativity of matrix multiplication above. In the last step, we could move the b'b to the front since it is a real number.

Thus b is indeed the eigenvector we are looking for with the eigenvalue b'b. Note that b'b is the length square of the vector b. Thus it is non-negative. 

What about the other eigenvectors with 0 eigenvalues?

Let c be a vector from the orthogonal complement of b. Then, b'c = 0. 

Thus, (bb') c = b (b'c) = b 0 = 0 = 0 c

Thus any vector orthogonal to b is an eigenvector of bb' with eigenvalue 0. 

As we know from linear algebra, the dimension of the orthongonal complement of b is n - 1, so we can find n-1 linearly independent vectors c such that (bb') c = 0. 

Thus we have all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of bb'. 


As a next step, let b and c be two vectors from R^n. Form the matrix 

M = bb' + cc'

1. Is this always a rank 2 matrix?

2. What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of M in terms of b and c?

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